J Am Academy of dermatology

J Am Academy of dermatology

Successful treatment of pemphigus with biweekly 1-g infusions of rituximab:
A retrospective study of 47 patients.
Leshem YA, Hodak E, David M, Anhalt GJ, Mimouni D

Rituximab is increasingly being appreciated as a remarkably effective treatment for pemphigus, mostly concomitantly with other immunosuppressive medications. The majority of studies have used a single cycle of rituximab with the same dosage as approved for the treatment of lymphomas, ie, 375 mg/m(2) weekly × 4 weeks. Rituximab is also approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, with a different dosing regimen: 1000 mg × 2, days 1 and 15

We aimed to assess the clinical response of patients with pemphigus to a single cycle of rituximab at the dosage used in rheumatoid arthritis. We also evaluated the response to repeated cycles of rituximab.

A total of 47 patients with pemphigus who were treated with rituximab at a dosage of 1000 mg × 2, days 1 and 15, most with concurrent immunosuppressive medications, were retrospectively studied.

Remission rates after the first treatment cycle reached 76%. Repeating the treatment further increased the remission rates to 91%. There was a 22% relapse rate at a median time of 8 months, but 75% of relapsing patients achieved remission again with additional cycles. The side-effect profile was similar to previous reports, except for an immediate postinfusion pemphigus exacerbation in 4 patients.

This was a retrospective study with a limited follow-up period.

The rheumatoid arthritis dosage of rituximab was efficacious and well tolerated in patients with pemphigus. Patients who fail to achieve remission after 1 cycle or patients who relapse seem to benefit from repeated rituximab cycles.

خواندن 2475 دفعه

دکتر محمد ایمانی

متخصص پوست ، مو و زیبایی

پزشک: دکتر ایمانی
پرسشگر: Elmertet
تاریخ: دوشنبه, 05 مهر 1395 09:39
وضعیت: پاسخ داده شده

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