Jessner disease

Jessner disease

بیمار خانمی 31 ساله که از حدود 9 ماه قبل دچار یک پلاک ایندوره،

روی بینی شده است که بدون درد ولی با سوزش وخارش شدید همراه بوده
در معاینه به جز ضایعه پوستی مشکل دیگری ندارد.

علایم سیستمیک ندارد و آزمایشات روتین بیماز نرمال است.

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What is your diagnosis?

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Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner


-Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner occurs with equal incidence in men and women, and it is a disease primarily of middle-aged adults.

-It is very rare in children.

-Various authors believe it is a variant of either lupus erythematosus, cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia or polymorphous light eruption.

-Others believe it to represent an infectious process

possiblyrelated to Borrelia burgdorferi infection

-There are cases of co-occurrence with
lupus erythematosus and with polymorphous light eruption

-Rare cases of drug-induced lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner have been described.

-glatiramer acetate,
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

Clinical features

-Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner most commonly appears on the head, neck and upper back as one or several asymptomatic erythematous papules, plaques and, less commonly, nodules

-There are no secondary changes, such as scale, and annular plaques with central clearing are commonly observed.

- There are no systemic manifestations associated with lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner.
-The eruption resolves spontaneously and without sequelae in most patients

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Differential diagnosis

the plaque form of polymorphous
light eruption

cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia
Cutaneous lymphoma

lupus erythematosus


The cutaneous manifestations of lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner resolve spontaneously within months to years, and they do not result in scarring.

Oral antibiotics and topical or intralesional corticosteroids
have been used with limited success.

Up to 50% of patients may improve with hydroxychloroquine.

Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner is generally resistant to radiation therapy


Dense lymphocytic perivascular infiltrate, superficial and deep.

Dermal mucin is usually increased.

Epidermis is normal (unlike in lupus erythematosus

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Superficial and deep perivascular and periadnexal dermatitis

Infiltrates of lymphocytes are accompanied by mucin in abundance in the interstitium.

Superficial and deep perivascular inflammation 8Ls+ DRUGS

8Ls :

Light reaction(Photocontact allergic dermatosis, polymorphous light eruption)
Lymphoma (SLL/CLL , B-cell type CD20+ , CD5+)
Lichen striatus
LE (Tumid lupus and DLE)
Lipoidica necrobiosis
Lepidoptera(arthropods bite)


Drug reaction and Dermatophyte

Reticular erythematous mucinosis

Urticarial stage of bullous pemphigoid

Gyrate erythema

Scleroderma,( localized variant)

B-cells in Jessner vs. T-cells in Lupus

DIF negative (in 10-20% of lupus cases DIF is negative)

No vacuolar changes

No epidermal atrophy

No follicular plug

Mucin may be seen.

-Slight epidermal atrophy and focal thickening of the dermoepidermal junction more common in TL(tumid lupu)

-Lymphocytic infiltrate was less dense in TL than in Jessner.

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Polymorphic light eruption :

Subepidermal edema

Eosinophils and afew neutrophils are sometimes present

No dermal mucin

No lichenoid reaction

Some basal vacuolation may be seen.

No basement membrane thickening

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خواندن 5398 دفعه

دکتر محمد ایمانی

متخصص پوست ، مو و زیبایی

پزشک: دکتر ایمانی
پرسشگر: Elmertet
تاریخ: دوشنبه, 05 مهر 1395 09:39
وضعیت: پاسخ داده شده

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دوست عزیز و گرامی من

زمان بهترین و ارزشمندترین هدیه ای است كه می توان به كسی ارزانی داشت.هنگامی كه برای كسی وقت می گذاریم، قسمتی از زندگی خود را به او میدهیم كه باز پس گرفته نمی شود . باعث خوشحالی و افتخار من است كه برای عزیزی مثل شما وقت می گذارم و امیدوارم كه با راهنماییهای اساتید این رشته واظهار نظر شما عزیزان این سایت آموزشی پر بارتر گردد.

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